Monday 2 January 2012


First, i want a msp pet. So i started help us get pets charity to fundraise autographs, money etc. So then i asked my mum if i could become a vip. She said yes as long as she didnt need to pay by net. Im really hoping msp starts getting gift cards soon because the thing is i dont trust the net, and i wish theyd make it already! Anyway, my best friend in real life gets vip every month! Her mother wanted to be nice and give me vip for a month but mother didnt let her! Like, im not angry with mum she was just being nice but MSP has to give giftcars i believe.
And i've been thinking what is best- Twitter or Facebook?


BEST FRIENDS ON MSP- 100% mega failure

Yeah, who's gone through what i've gone through? One day the 'bff' says- 'i wont delete you' and the next day they've dumped you for someone else! Thats something i hate. Even if you visit my front page you'll see something about bffs! Just look at my inbox of how many people dumped me.
Even do thanx for all the autographs it's embaressly annoying when you dump your bff! So now whatever bff of friend dumps me im deleting them. Dont take it personally pualfrank1234 that i deleted you and want 0% contact. Im not mean i just can't except the little immature people who like dumping you! If you agree they have rights to dump you then ask for gifts please tell me why because i cant see so? If you agree with me thats great, because i really get you.


Eternity, as you know is famous for blogging and + for girls. Now, we've released the website who takes care of YOU in MSP. We hope you throughly enjoy this website.
